Campaign Manager - Campaign Activity Monitor

Cancelling Deployments From Campaign Activity Monitor

From the Campaign Activity Monitor you can cancel email deployments from Email Manager or an entire campaign from Campaign Manager.

You may want to cancel deployments if, for example the Campaign Activity Monitor is showing a high volume of errors, or a high number of bounces. The ability to quickly cancel deployments could minimize any negative impact of such deployments.

It is important to note that cancelling a deployment will typically be performed when the campaign must be stopped immediately. Cancellation will override any locking on the campaign and allow a user with the correct permission to cancel a campaign at any time. The cancellation confirmation message states that the campaign cannot be re-started.

Cancelled deployments and campaigns will no longer appear in the Campaign Activity Monitor after they have been successfully cancelled. Use the source application to see the number of contacts that were made before cancellation.

Email Manager deployments

You can cancel Email Manager deployments that have the Status of:

  • Scheduled
  • Prefetching
  • Prefetched
  • Sending

Campaign Manager deployments

You can cancel Campaign Manager deployments that have the Status of:

  • Scheduled
  • Sending


  1. Select a deployment in the main Campaign Activity Monitor grid.
    A flyout panel appears on the right of the screen. The panel shows the associated deployments related to that particular campaign. Campaign Manager deployments typically have multiple entries in the flyout panel, whereas Email Manager deployments only have one. The sort order in the flyout panel is the same as the main grid.
  2. Click the cancel button in the menu bar at the top of the panel.


  • When Email Manager deployments have been cancelled, the entire deployment moves to a Cancelled state in Email Manager
  • When Campaign Manager deployments have been cancelled, the campaign and its associated deployments are cancelled. The Campaign Status in Campaign Manager is Cancelled.
  • For deployments in Sending state, the cancel will stop Email Deployments at the quickest possible moment and the items that were due to be sent will not be sent. However, emails currently in the stage of being deployed cannot be cancelled. In this case, the Status in Campaign Activity Monitor will be completed and information is displayed only for those emails that were sent.
  • The cancellation overrides any locking currently on the campaign, for example if the campaign is locked by another user, and the campaign cannot be re-started.

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